Ons Boere word vermoor dag en nag, ons vrouens en kinders word verkrag & VERNEDER elke dag maar dit is niks !
Die optrede van die verraaiers onder ons (die wit kaffers) wat saam met die barbare dans en te keure gaan SOOS DIERE weens die arme vier skoonmakertjies maak my hartseer, ek wonder hoe het hulle gekom waar hulle is vandag, hoe het die instansies ontstaan waar hulle elke maand aanklop vir 'n stewige salaris, hoe het hulle die onderwys ontvang om hulle in staat te stel om te wees waar hulle is. Die kaffers het natuurlik alles gebou en al hierdie geleenthede geskep !!!
Dit gesê, ek het bietjie inligting rondom plaasmoorde opgesit sodat daar kan gesien word wat ware pyn en onreg is (baie baie lig gestel).
Ek wil ook waarsku dat daar ontstellende foto's op is so indien jy 'n sensitiewe kyker is neem kennis.
Ek wil 'n beroep doen dat jy die leser die moeite sal doen en hierna sal kyk, dit sal jou 'n bietjie insig gee in ons volk se dilemma in die kaffer land!
NOTE: Farm attacks in South Africa are 700% higher than attacks on farms in any other country on Earth. These photos are actual Police Crime Scene photos. Exactly who took them and gave them to various people I do not know. To the best of my knowledge they are photos smuggled out from people with links to the Police.
Farm attacks have increased over the years and are now happening at twice the levels before - however, the better security precautions taken by farmers are resulting in annual murder rates remaining more or less the same (about 150 farmers being murdered per annum out of a total number of 60,000 farmers). As at Mid-2003, the death toll of murdered which South African farmers stands at: 1,400. Over 1,400 white farmers or their family members have been killed in several thousand farm attacks since 1994. Detailed studies of these farm attacks show them to be politically motivated. It has been alleged that a training video has been discovered showing blacks the tactics needed to watch farmers, stalk them and kill them.
Note: Farm attacks have increased since 1994, when the ANC came to power.
All the photos you see on this page are white people who were murdered or attacked by blacks. Kindly note, our government falls over itself to spread news across the world when a couple of students make a video for fun. They then shout RACIST! RACIST! At the top of their voices. The cleaners was even paid and endured no harm. They find this, and parade it as a white hate crime against a black. Now come and take a look at a very small sampling of black hate crimes on whites and compare them. Note, these are often committed by fit young black men - often against the very old or against women or children. The new leaders of the new South Africa are the most racist people in the country. They want race hatred. They love it. It is the only thing that gives them a reason to exist. They are incapable of doing anything positive for the country so all they can do is beat that worn old racist drum of theirs and remind everyone that all our problems are supposedly caused by whites! It is that sort of talk which encourages and leads to crimes of the sort you will see.
Hierdie is net 'n enkele druppel onskuldige bloed in die groot emmer vol Boere bloed, laat mens wonder oor daardie arme skoonmakertjies by Kovsies en hulle so genaamde mense regte !
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