Friday, 21 March 2008
Die trotse dae van Evkom
Trotse simbool van ons nasie se geskiedenis - Koeberg en 'n klein opsomming van die tegnologie !
Welkom in donker Afrika
Workers at Eskom, South Africa's largest power company. Eskom has implemented HIV/AIDS prevention programs throughout its many work sites.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
South African Taxes Explained
Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand.Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to R100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.The fifth would pay R1.The sixth would pay R3.The seventh would pay R7.The eighth would pay R12.The ninth would pay R18.The tenth man (the richest) would pay R59.So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by R20." Drinks for the ten now cost just R80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes, so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men, the paying customers?How would they divide the R20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?They realized that R20 divided by six is R3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.And so:The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).The sixth now paid R2 instead of R3 (33% savings).The seventh now pay R5 instead of R7 (28% savings).The eighth now paid R9 instead of R12 (25% savings).The ninth now paid R14 instead of R18 (22% savings).The tenth now paid R49 instead of R59 (16% savings).Each of the six was better off than before and the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings."I only got a Rand out of the R20, "declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got R10!""Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a Rand, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!""That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get R10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!""Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, don't protect them against crime like in South Africa, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Die SR neem hierdie week deel aan ’n nasionale inisiatief wat bekommerde studente en burgers regoor die land verenig in hul afkeur van die onlangse video wat deur studente aan die UFS vervaardig is. Op Donderdag, 6 Maart, vra ons dat jy saam met die Studenteraad ’n maroen band om jou arm te dra as ’n simboliese teken van Eenheid aan Suid Afrikaanse Universiteite.
Ons moedig alle studente, personeel en burgers van Stellenbosch aan om hierdie inisiatief te ondersteun. Hiermee doen ons ’n beroep op almal om ons te help om te bou aan ’n toekoms waarin alle Suid-Afrikaanse instellings gebasseer sal wees op gelykheid, menswaardigheid en nie-rassigheid, soos verskans in die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika.
Maroen bande sal gratis beskikbaar wees in die Neelsie asook geselekteerde akademiese geboue. Ons vra jou ook om om 13:00 by ons te sluit waar ons in die bibgat ’n foto met die maroen arm bande aan sal neem. Dit is nie nodig om jou verteenwoordigersbaadjie (bv. HK/SR baadjie) te dra nie.
Dit is die tipe houding wat blanke studente inneem teenoor mede blanke studente wat nie bang was om polities inkorrek te wees nie, En dan word gepraat van "gelykheid, menswaardigheid en nie-rassigheid" maar tog verenig al die studente swart en blanke verraaiers teen die blanke studente van kovsies. Dit is swaar om dag en nag deur blinde blanke afrikaners omring te wees, blanke mans en vrouens wat hule eie volk, kultuur en op die einde van die dag hulself verraai. Mag die krag van bo kom om ons te verlos en die soveel blindes in ons volk die mantel voor hulle oë te verwyder en die verraad sien wat hulle daagliks pleeg, willens en weetens.
Mag ek die dae sien wat Siener van Rensburg voorspel het. Die dae van verlossing vir ons volk, Ek wil sien hoe berou die die liberale hulle dade en keuses nie vir wraak doeleindes nie net om met my eie oë te sien dat regverdigheid plaas vind. Die pad wat die ware afrikaner boer stap is altyd die pad met die meeste versperings met die meeste slaggate en die eensaamste .Boodskapper van God is 'n boek wat naby my hart lê, Die voorspellings wat Siener gemaak het is n baken van hoop 'n lig in die duisternis wat jou die afrikaner boer wat homself in so 'n situasie bevind van totale duisternis . Die lig van hoop gee. Die stem in jou wakker maak wat sê , byt vas die dag sal kom, nie van teregstelling nie ( Dit kan net deur ons God toegepas word) maar bevryding, 'n eie volk onder homself , een geloof een kerk 'n dag van totale bevryding.
Waar geen Ware Afrikaner die vermetelheid ondergaan van 'n tafel deel met die swart gemors van 'n ras nie , waar die waardes toegepas word wat ons so n sterk en gelowige nasie gemaak het wat alle uitdagings kon oorkom. Laat die vernietiging van ons volk, kultuur en nasie wat ons so willens en weetens toelaat om te gebeur, deur te sê EK WIL EERDER NIE BETROKKE RAAK NIE !!!!! , of mense net te blind of naief is kan ek nie sê nie maar hulle is betrokke (DIT RAAK ONS ALMAL) want as jy nie saam jou volk staan nie is jy teen hom ( Die term spreek van self, teen jou geboorte volk te staan is jy 'n VERRAAIER en daar is geen groter sonde teenoor jou nasie nie ) die term draad sitter bestaan net in litratuur maar in die werklikheid deur nie een kant te kies nie, plaas jy jou steun in die ander kant ( Hier is 'n eenvoudig vb. as jy nie besluit om jou regter hand te kies nie is jy links want jou ondersteuning kan net een kant toe gaan en daar is nie so ding van die middel nie want daar bestaan twee situasies, links of regs) direk of indirek!!!.
Die Keuses wat ons maak bepaal die mense wat ons gaan wees, alle keuse wat ons maak het na gevolge.Kies ek om die regte pad te stap en my volk en geloof teen sterkste te ondersteun sal my keuses die gevolge dra van n volks getroue burger wat sy volk en geloof verdedig het, MAAR DIE ANDER KEUSE WAT OP DIE EINDE GAAN LEI NA DIE PAD TE STAP VAN DIE VERRAAIER GAAN SY GEVOLGE DRA VAN 'n VERRAAIER SE EINDE, al kom die teregstelling nie in die lewe nie sal daar moet geantwoord word voor GOD!!!!
Zuma, die kommuniste se tydbom
Na wat ek die laaste tyd gesien & gehoor het is ek bekommerd, baie bekommerd want Zuma neem nie 'n standpunt in nie, 'n regte ja broer maar sy woorde is altyd mooi uitgewerk om nie die SAKP, Cosatu & ANC Jeug Liga teen te gaan of in 'n swak lig te plaas nie. Die een keer toeeen van sy lee beloftes teen Cosatu gaan het hulle hom vinnig gestriem en hy kon nie vinnig genoeg sy storie verander nie. Hy (Zuma) is 'n skaak stuk vir die geharde kommuniste en paai nou almal sodat hy sy mags basis kan verseker vir sy oorname as president in 2009.
Die Mail & Guardian het vandag die beste bekrywing ooit vir Zuma gehad en ek haal aan:
"Zuma, Cosatu's trojan horse"
Mense, hier kom groot moeilikheid, Zuma is 'n pop wie se stringe deur die kommuniste getrek word en dit gaan behoorlik na vore kom met sy oorname as president. Lees bietjie die artikels wat volg.
Zuma asserts ANC power over Mbeki
Johannesburg, South Africa
07 March 2008 12:19
African National Congress (ANC) leader Jacob Zuma asserted, in an interview published on Friday, that power in South Africa rests with the ruling party, not with his rival, President Thabo Mbeki.
"Power lies in the ANC," Zuma -- who ousted Mbeki in a bitter ANC leadership contest three months ago -- told Britain's internationally circulated Financial Times newspaper."It's the ANC that wins elections, the ANC that has the power to identify people who must be part of the government ... If he [Mbeki] is not part of the ANC leadership, he doesn't have authority."
Zuma ousted Mbeki at an ANC conference in December, riding a pro-poor ticket with the backing of the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African Communist Party -- an alliance that has reportedly been under strain in recent weeks.
Zuma said economic policy would not necessarily shift leftwards on his watch.But he was equivocal on leftist calls for nationalisation, saying: "I think, let the issues be put on the table so that we discuss what are the merits of that argument."
Confidence in the South African economy has dipped on the back of divisions within the ruling party and slowing growth fuelled by a national electricity crisis.
Zuma (65) is the ANC's candidate for the state presidency when Mbeki retires next year, but he is facing a trial in August on 16 charges of fraud, corruption, racketeering and money-laundering.On Thursday, Zuma backed the idea of a referendum on the reintroduction of the death penalty to deal with rampant violent crime, despite the ANC's stance against capital punishment."I said, if you want a referendum, I think we must speak on it," he told journalists in Pretoria on Thursday evening, also calling for stricter penalties for crime.
"Democracy does not suppress the freedom of speech."
The death penalty was abolished by the Constitutional Court shortly after the ANC took over the reins of government in 1994 following the collapse of the apartheid regime.
'Political polygamist'Meanwhile, Zuma is a "political polygamist" elected for his lack of leadership, according to Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Helen Zille.
Writing in her weekly newsletter on the DA website on Friday, she said a good leader leads by example, setting the bar himself.
"On this count, Zuma is quite obviously flawed," she said.
A good leader is also not afraid to take unpopular decisions if he believes they are right, because he has a clear vision of how things should be.
"And this is where Jacob Zuma really falls short. He has no vision. In his words he is just 'a loyal ANC cadre' implementing what he claims is 'party policy'.
"This is a leadership cop-out if there ever was one, especially in a party that is still a 'broad church' with widely divergent policy approaches," Zille said.
In the absence of any clear vision of his own, Zuma is incapable of taking a firm and independent stand on issues, or giving direction to his followers, let alone the country, she said.
"Instead he simply bends in the direction of whoever he is courting at that moment. He is best described as a political polygamist, trying to satisfy many different political brides simultaneously," she said
Zuma seeks common ground on affirmative action
07 March 2008 07:45
Common ground on affirmative action should be found, African National Congress president Jacob Zuma told a largely white Afrikaner gathering on Thursday night.Addressing a dinner hosted by trade union Solidarity, he told union members that they had no home other than South Africa and as such, their concerns should be taken seriously."Whatever issues you raise are aimed at making our country more successful, and to create a better future for your children," he said.Zuma, who arrived early, met separately for almost half an hour with the Solidarity leadership.He then addressed a dinner gathering."Being a former trade unionist, I feel at home in a gathering of workers such as this one," Zuma said.He highlighted several issues of concern, including the country's skills shortage, the crime and electricity crises, but focused on affirmative action. He said affirmative action was needed to ensure the sustainability of freedom and economic growth. "The majority of the population in any country have to feature prominently in the economy to ensure long-term growth and sustainable development," Zuma said.He said the implementation of affirmative action was not an easy task."Some perceive the efforts to remove white or male privilege as an assault on the rights of white South Africans or on the rights of male South Africans. We need to answer such perceptions," Zuma said."The lack of discussion and debate creates assumptions and suspicions that are not very real."Common groundThe only way to do this was by sitting down and discussing the issue."I know your concern that young white South Africans feel they cannot enter the labour market, and the fact that positions remain unfilled because the necessary affirmative action skills are not available. "Let us find time to engage on these issues thoroughly and see how we can find common ground, for the common good of the country. We all seek a society in which no person is privileged at the expense of another, and that no person is oppressed for the benefit of another."On crime, he said "drastic action" was needed."We can not sit with this problem for another decade. I am aware that you seek further and more intensive engagement on issues, and we would certainly welcome that opportunity,” Zuma said.Solidarity general secretary Flip Buys said the fact that Zuma was prepared to speak at the gathering showed that he was committed to the cause of people and workers in South Africa.He said Zuma had highlighted several questions which were troubling Solidarity members. These include the skills problem, affirmative action, the crime and electricity crises, mother-tongue education, what they termed new poverty, and problems and solutions."Mr Zuma, it is our view that our country urgently needs strong leadership that is aimed at restoring the confidence of the citizenry in the state –- not just government."Buys said the government could not single-handedly solve the country's problems."It is a fact that there are serious problems to which nobody pays attention, problems that are so serious that approximately one million people have already abandoned the country and thousands of others are so despondent that they are also considering leaving."These are problems that can be resolved, if only government were prepared to listen to us," Buys said
My mede Boere, word bewus van die gebeure rondom ons en haal af daardie oog klappe, die moeilikheid is om die draai !
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Ken jy regtig die Vierkleur
Monday, 3 March 2008
AWB weer op die been
Ek herken dan Eugene Terre’Blanche bietjie hand uit geruk het maar hy is nou 'n ander man na die kaffer sisteem hom beet gekry het en dit wil vir my lyk na 'n beter man.
Dit kom stadig maar ek sien die Boere nasie opstaan, ons het 'n sterk Godsvresende leier nodig in die tyd van nood en wie weet, Eugene is dalk ons man. Ek het persoonlik sy toepsraak geluister by 'n Verootmoedigings dag ,waar die gewilde Steve Hoffmeyr hom nie vinnig genoeg uit die voete kon maak nie want hy stel net belang in die aardse, en dit was 'n kragtige Godsdienende boodskap gewees. Ek persoonlik is verheug dat die AWB weer na vore kom om vir ons Nasie beskerming te bied en vertrou dat dit sal geskied onder die vaandel van die een ware en almagtige God
Die Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) is terug op die toneel.
Meer as drie jaar nadat mnr. Eugène Terre’Blanche, AWB-leier, op parool vrygelaat is, het hy gister ná ’n vergadering van die AWB se uitvoerende raad aangekondig dat die beweging heraktiveer gaan word.
Ten volle geklee in swart het die steeds vurige Terre’Blanche aan joernaliste van Rapport en Beeld gesê die AWB wil ’n eis om ’n eie grondgebied vir die Boerevolk na die Wêreldhof in Den Haag neem.
Hy het sy spyt uitgespreek dat daar geen swart joernaliste teenwoordig was nie. Die media-uitnodiging het spesifiek gelui dat verslaggewers van alle rasse welkom sou wees.
Die sowat dertig mense wat die vergadering – en daarna die mediakonferensie bygewoon het – was meestal mans, oorwegend in kakie geklee.
Daar was geen tekens van die ontbinde Ystergarde se militêre uitrustings nie, maar lede van die Brandwag van die Christen Boervolk, ’n teenmisdaadorganisasie, het eenvormige kakiehemde gedra waarop wapens en range geborduur is.
Terre’Blanche het duidelik nie die kuns verleer om ’n gehoor aan sy lippe te laat hang nie. Sy woordryke veroordeling van misdaad op wit mense het mense “hoor-hoor” laat uitroep.
Volgens Terre’Blanche wil die AWB weerstand bied “teen die aakligheid van die werklikheid dat ’n hoogs beskaafde volk op ’n skaal ongekend aan enige ander volk in ’n vredestyd uitgemoor word”.
Hy het geen vertroue in vandag se polisie en weermag nie en sien die Boerevolk as heeltemal uitgelewer.
Die AWB het volgens hom uit sy foute van die verlede geleer en is vandag ryper en ryker.
Maar die beweging besef ook hy was oor sekere dinge reg, soos toe hy gewaarsku het wet en orde gaan verval en dat daar nie meer ’n verantwoordelike polisiemag gaan wees nie.
Terre’Blanche sê die AWB wil nie oorlogmakers wees nie, maar wil die oorlogmakers wat misdaad pleeg, beveg.
Die beweging het vroeër die Brandwag-beweging op die been gebring waardeur lede per SMS laat weet word van misdaadvoorvalle en dan opruk om slagoffers te gaan help. Brandwag-lede sal binne die wet optree, het hy gesê.
Oor die rasse-voorvalle die afgelope week by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat het Terre’Blanche gesê hy dink die voorval word uit verband geruk omdat die studente ’n soort Leon Schuster-rolprent wou maak.
Die reaksie op die video is volgens hom skokkend. Dit wys die onverdraagsaamheid binne die ANC en by sekere swart mense in skole en universiteite.